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Experience a more sustained practice by participating in a minimum of 3 sessions
in a single week.
As the sessions progress, the benefits of regular and gradual practice
on the physical, respiratory and mental levels.
Practising almost every day creates the right conditions for exploring the various aspects of yoga in greater depth and making progress.
the different aspects of yoga and to progress, develop and refine your perceptions
and knowledge.
By "knowledge", I mean knowledge acquired through experience, whether of
asanas (postures), pranayama (exploration of the breath), pratihara (interiorization),
dharana (presence or state of attention) and dhyana (meditation).
All these aspects of yoga converge in the same direction and contribute to greater
A week driven by curiosity and the desire to 'xplore, progress, intensify and refine the art of yoga.
of yoga.


From Monday 17 to Thursday 20 June 2024.

Additional info

  • Spoken languages :EnglishFrench


One price: from 80 €.

Group rate available for > 5 people.

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