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ESF Abondance


Private lessons all winter on request.
Ages 7 to 77.

To choose your class, we recommend you know your level.

- Surf accueil : I have no snowboarding experience.
- 1er surf : I'm starting to change direction - I'm skidding - I know how to get up.
- 2ème surf : I do frontside and backside turns on green runs - I know how to stop while skidding - I know how to do the dead leaf and take the ski lift.
- 3ème surf : I can ride blue and red runs and the snowpark - I can link turns easily - I'm starting to do Fackie turns - I can do ollies and 180° sliding and jumping rotations.


From 21/12/2024 to 30/03/2025, daily.

Additional info

  • Spoken languages :EnglishFrench


Rates for private lessons :

Low season :

- 30 minutes : 23€ (1 person) ; 30€ (2 persons)

- 1h: 45€ (1 person); 55€ (2 people)

- 1h30 : 62€ (1 person) ; 80€ (2 persons) ; 90€ (3 persons) ; 30€ (per additional person)

- 2h : 80€ (1 person) ; 95€ (2 people) ; 110€ (3 people) ; 40€ (per additional person)

- 6 lessons of 1h over 6 days: 240€ (1 person); 320€ (2 persons)

- 6 lessons of 1h30 over 6 days: 350€ (1 person); 480€ (2 people); 550€ (3 people); 170€ (per additional person)

- 6 lessons of 2 hours over 6 days: 470€ (1 person); 590€ (2 persons); 700€ (3 persons); 210€ (per additional person)

High season (February school vacations):

- 30 minutes: 28€ (1 person); 35€ (2 people)

- 1h: €55 (1 person); €65 (2 people)

- 1h30 : 70€ (1 person) ; 85€ (2 people) ; 115€ (3 people) ; 30€ (per additional person)

- 2h : 95€ (1 person) ; 105€ (2 people) ; 140€ (3 people) ; 40€ (per additional person)

- 6 lessons of 1h over 6 days: 290€ (1 person); 380€ (2 persons)

- 6 lessons of 1h30 over 6 days: 400€ (1 person); 510€ (2 persons); 640€ (3 persons); 170€ (per additional person)

- 6 lessons of 2 hours over 6 days: 540€ (1 person); 650€ (2 persons); 800€ (3 persons); 210€ (per additional person).

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