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This holistic approach, native to India, allows you to regain a state of balance and increase your energy level.
The massage is an integral part of the Ayurvedic medicine who considers it as a care having a fundamental role to preserve health.

- Abhyanga: whole body massage with hot ayurvedic oil.
Benefits: tones and relaxes muscle tissue; improves blood and lymphatic circulation; reduces fatigue and mental restlessness.
60 min. / 70€

- Garshana or Udvartana: whole body massage with ayurvedic powders or paste (mixture of ayurvedic powder and oil).
Benefits: erases rough skin; drains and detoxifies tissues.
60 min. / 70€

- Mukha Abhyanga: ayurvedic oil facial massage.
Benefits: nourishes skin and blurs wrinkles; fights pimples, acne and old age spots; stimulates energy points.
45 min. / 60€

- Snehana / Oil application: application of hot ayurvedic oil throughout the body
Benefits: rebalances body and mind; lifts and mobilizes body toxins to remove them; calms mind and nourishes skin.
45 min. / 60€

- Vishesh: dynamic massage of muscles with hot ayurvedic oil
Benefits: ideal for sports recovery; fights muscle pain; fights anxiety and stress.
60 min. / 70€

Some treatments are recommended or, on the contrary, not recommended depending on your constitution and your state of health.


From 14/07 to 30/08.
Closed on Saturday.

From 11/12 to 14/04, daily.
On reservation.

Additional info

  • Payment :CheckBank/credit cardCash
  • Spoken languages :EnglishFrench


Care from 60€:

- Mukha Abhyanga: 60€ (45 minutes)

- Snehana "Sacred Oleation": 60€ (45 min.)

- Abhyanga: 70€ (60 min.)

- Garshana or Udvartana: 70€ (60 min.)

- Vishesh: 70€ (60 min.).


Treatments from 60€ :

- Mukha Abhyanga: 60€ (45 minutes)

- Snehana "Sacred Oleation": 60€ (45 min.)

- Abhyanga: 70€ (60 min.)

- Garshana or Udvartana: 70€ (60 min.)

- Vishesh : 70€ (60 min.)

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