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peaceful walks during which I will teach the main principles of the Afghan operation. Considering your needs, I also put in place a set of practices from yoga Energy (Hatha Yoga) and meditation (yoga nidra-) to return to Self and connect with nature.

Day 1: Hiking + Yoga
We will go up gradually to reach the valley of Bostan and bifurquerons to reach Mount Plaisir chalet where we settle for 2 nights. along the way picking and depending on the progress of vegetation to complement our evening meal.
We will make our first outdoor yoga session if the weather permits, otherwise it will run at the cottage.
vegetarian, balanced meal with Simon, our host.

Day 2: Hiking Yoga +
early morning yoga session and introduction to Afghan walking during a day hiking around the Golèse.
We will return to the cottage late afternoon when we wait for a vegetarian dinner. Before that, we will practice an outdoor yoga session if the weather allows us, or in the cottage.

Day 3: Hiking Yoga +
Final stretch of this beautiful rejuvenating weekend starting with a muscle toning and yoga a short hike around the chalet. After lunch we will practice sharing time together before returning to the car park at 14:30.


From 01/10 to 03/10/2021.

Additional info

  • Spoken languages :French


380€ / Pers.

Le prix comprend :

Toute la nourriture pour les 3 jours (bio, zéro déchet et en vrac);

Encadrement des activités par un accompagnateur en moyenne montagne, professeur certifié de yoga;

2 nuits en refuge de montagne.

Le prix ne comprend pas :

Votre matériel personnel;


Tout ce qui n’est pas spécifié dans inclus.

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