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Bureau des Guides et Accompagnateurs de Samoëns


Mont Blanc, (4808 m) is the highest mountain in the Alps. It can be undertaken by anyone in good physical condition with a minimum of alpine experience, that is why we offer a training course.
The ascent will be carried out according to your capacity and the conditions on the mountain.

5 days - 2 people - 1 guide

Day 1 Crampon initiation on the Mer de Glace
Day 2 Snow climb and practice of the techniques learned on day 1
Day 3 Altitude climb
Day 4 and 5 Ascent of Mont Blanc by the "normal way" with a night in the refuge Gouter or "The Three Mont Blanc with a night in the refuge Cosmiques


All year round, daily.

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  • Payment :Bank/credit cardCheckTravellers ChequeCash
  • Spoken languages :ItalianEnglishSpanishFrench


Group rate available for > 1 people.

Course 5 days: 1st day: initiation to crampon on the Sea of Ice, 2nd day: snow race to apply the techniques, 3rd day: race for altitude acclimatization, 4th and 5th day: the ascent of Mt Blanc on the two proposed itineraries.

Price of the course: 850 € per person for the supervision by a mountain guide - Allow about 390 € (for the ski lifts, half board at the refuge, and the guide's fees).

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