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For a stay that's all about vitality
Come and have a massage.
Feel yourself breathe right down to your toes, a journey to connect with yourself.
Feel your body lightened, united, supple, soothed
And experience something new in your life
Rediscover a new balance with the tonic/relaxing rhythm stimulated by massage,
Rediscover your center.
A 1h30 session to give you time and increase the benefits of your stay tenfold,
Come and be massaged by Marie-Pierre Savary;
Breathing, serenity and joy are the key words.
She also works with psycho-somatic therapists using the Camilli Method, and has been teaching Sensitive Well-Being Massage for 25 years.


All year round.

Additional info

  • Payment :CheckCashCredit transfer
  • Spoken languages :French


One price: 70 €.

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