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Here is the programme for your next family weekend : impatient to experience a relaxing weekend in the Drôme, parents and children take possession of the chalet from Friday night. The next day you set out on mountain bikes : you follow the course of the Drôme river as far as the Gare des Ramières (old station). This veritable "nature station" offers fun and educational interpretation, presenting the natural habitat of the "Réserve" to young and old: biodiversity, beavers, insects, fish.
Sunday, relaxation round the pool or unaccompanied discovery of the outstanding natural sites such as the "Forêt de Saoû", the "Gorges d'Omblèze" and the "Chute de la Druise".


From 04/04 to 29/06/2018.

From 01/09 to 30/09/2018.

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  • Payment :Bank/credit cardCheckTravellers ChequeCashCredit transfer
  • Spoken languages :GermanEnglishFrench


From 04/04 to 27/04/2018

Adult: from 49.70 €

Child: from 43.50 €

Family: from 186.40 €.

From 28/04 to 29/06/2018

Adult: 55.45 €

Child: 49.25 €

Family: 209.40 €.

From 01/09 to 14/09/2018

Adult: 55.45 €

Child: 49.25 €

Family: 209.40 €.

From 15/09 to 30/09/2018

Adult: from 49.70 €

Child: from 43.50 €

Family: from 186.40 €.

The price includes the rental for accommodation for 4 people (chalet) for 2 nights, mountain bike hire for the Saturday and a map/guide.

The price does not include the entrance to the "la gare des Ramières" centre (from 8 years old).

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