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I'm between 5 and 12 years old.
I have been awarded the Piou Piou medal.
I can recognize my ski equipment.
I can put on and take off my skis by myself.
I can control my speed and make turns.
I can move around on my skis on varied but almost flat terrain.
I glide parallel to the slope and stop with a snowplough turn.

I've got the Bear Cub.
I control my speed and cross the slope line in snowplough turns.
I stay balanced by gliding faster with my skis parallel, across and facing the slope, on both skis or from one ski to the other, on smooth terrain on gentle slopes.
I can brake and stop and start to skid.

I've got the Flocon.
I can link basic sideslip turns, taking into account external factors (terrain profile, other skiers, snow quality, etc.).
I'm balanced when sliding across gentle to medium slopes.
I discover skids (rounded, angled).

I have obtained the 1st Star.
I can link refined elementary turns, cross the slope line with my skis parallel, and execute my turns with a rounded sideslip, taking into account external factors (terrain profile, other skiers, snow quality, etc.).
I cross hollows and bumps, across or facing the slope, while remaining balanced.

I have obtained the 2nd Etoile.
I can link basic turns with skis parallel, with short and medium radii, taking into account and adapting to external factors (terrain, users, type of snow, etc.).
Control my balance in schuss on varied terrain (hollows and bumps).
I can improve my lateral balance by using a series of sideslips interspersed with direct traverses (festoons).

I have obtained the 3rd Etoile.
I refine my basic turns by reducing skidding.
I evolve in sculls or large turns, taking into account and adapting to external elements (terrain, users, type of snow, etc.).
I can control my balance in a schuss by taking off over rounded bumps, on a piste or in a skiercross-type terrain.
I'm learning to ski in all types of snow.

I've earned the Bronze Star.
I'm discovering skiing in all its forms.
I can ski without stopping on slopes with large vertical drops, on all types of snow, taking into account the external elements and respecting the rules of conduct for skiers.
I can evolve in an adapted terrain: skiercross, half pipe.

In April, lessons take place in the Châtel ski area.


From 21/12/2024 to 30/03/2025, daily.

Additional info

  • Payment :Bank/credit cardCheckTravellers ChequeCashCredit transfer
  • Spoken languages :EnglishFrench


Child: 45 to 55 € (1 lesson of 2 hours.

Min rate: classic group lesson

Max rate: course limited to 6 children)

Fee: 155 to 249 € (5 or 6 sessions of 2 hours.

Min rate: classic group class

Max rate: class limited to 6 children).

Private lessons are also available.

Full rates for private lessons available on request from the French Ski School office.


From 2024-12-21 To 2025-03-30
  • Child : From 45 € To 55 €
  • Fee : From 155 € To 249 €

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