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This programme is for people who are accustomed to climbing.
Day outings : Les Crochues, Les Contamines, Les Chéserys, Nez Rouge, Bargy, Pointe du Midi.
2 day outings : programme with a night in a refuge to discover the massive : Pointe d'Orny/Refuge d'Orny, Pointe Croux/Refuge Monzino, Genepy/Refuge Argentière, La Grande Arabesque (bivouac).


From 08/06 to 27/10/2024, daily.

From 01/06 to 26/10/2025, daily.

Subject to favorable weather.

Additional info

  • Payment :CheckBank/credit cardCashTravellers Cheque
  • Spoken languages :EnglishFrench


From 08/06 to 27/10/2024

Fee: from 425 €.

From 01/06 to 26/10/2025

Fee: from 430 €.

Rates depending on the difficulty of the circuit, number of persons and length.


From 2024-06-08 To 2024-10-27
  • Fee : 425 €
From 2025-06-01 To 2025-10-26
  • Fee : 430 €

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