The hotel offers 70 air-conditioned rooms with wifi, including 3 for disabled guests, and 1 meeting room. A restaurant, a bar, snacks 24 hours a day, a terrace and a closed car park are available. Pets are allowed.
From 01/01 to 31/12/2024, daily.
From 01/01 to 31/12/2025, daily.
Additional info
- Services :Pets welcomeRoom hirePets supplementRestaurant
- Equipments :Private parkingCoach parkingCar parkBarTerrace
- Payment :American ExpressBank/credit cardTravellers ChequeCash
- Spoken languages :ItalianEnglishFrench
Chambre double : de 77 à 136 €
Chambre single : de 77 à 136 €
Chambre triple : de 87 à 146 €
Chambre quadruple : de 97 à 156 €
Petit déjeuner : 10.50 €
Animaux : 5 €.
Tarifs groupes : Devis sur demande.
Forfait journée séminaire par pers., hors hébergement (Salle + 2 pauses + repas) : 39 €.
Taxe de séjour incluse.