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13 February 1461: marriage of Marguerite des Pressis to François de Blou (originally from Toulaud). The château then became the property of the de Blou des Pressis family. Until the 18th century (revolution), it belonged to the St Chaffre estate.
In 1634, Jacques de Blou des Pressis married Marguerite de Gout de la Charrière (hence the inheritance of the Charrière fiefdom).
The last de Blou des Pressis, Ange Oscar Joachim Comte de Blou, died in 1886. His daughter Marguerite had married Auguste Léonce, Baron de Cassin, in 1874, whose son Pierre Joachim de Cassin, born in 1875, sold the château and its outbuildings to the De Montravel de Joyeuse family in 1902.
In 1926, the Plantevin family bought the château from Mr de Gigord, Mr de Montravel's son-in-law, and set up a textile factory in the grounds.
Since 1986, the château and grounds have been the property of the Commune of Thueyts.
Pepperboxes with glazed tile roofs. Sarrazine fireplace. Two restored vaulted rooms. The château's stables were located where the Media Library is today (before 1634, they belonged to the de Gout de la Charrière family).

Today, Château de Blou houses the offices of the Ardèche des Sources et Volcans community of communes.


All year round, daily.

Additional info

  • Services :Not open to the public
  • Equipments :Parking nearby
  • Spoken languages :French


The castle is the place of the offices of the employees of the community of communes Ardèche Sources and Volcanoes, so it is not visitable.

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