"No more vertigo !"
You do not like hiking on exposed footpaths? Afraid of height, afraid to fall? No way to continue walking? Panic? It is possible to find pleasure in mountain hikes again! On a hike, learn more about this phenomenon and experience techniques to stop fear, get new assurance and self-confidence.
"The Secret Life of Forests"
All along the year, excursions/hikes to discover the ecosystem of our forests in unknown and beautiful forest areas in the mountains around Grenoble.
"Mountain flora in spring and summer"
Spring and summer in altitude start later and the period of flowering and growing is shorter than in the valleys. How the flowers and other plants can deal with the hard conditions of life in the mountains? Let's see those marvellous colors, ingenious adaptations and rare species in different mountain landscapes.
"The Secrets of Orchids"
Orchids are astonishing plants who are living in symbiotic relationship with fungus mycelium and insects, and have sophisticated reproduction manners. Take your pocket-lens and your camera and look for them!
"Healthy feet in Hiking"
Walking is one of the most naturally thing in the wolrd! Our feet support our weight a whole lifetime, but we do not pay much attention to them. Let's go for an easy excursion to (re-)discover all the capacities of our feet and how to take care of them. Take root, stimulate by barefoot walking and water, and learn the basics of feet reflexologie.
To eat or not to eat? Edible and toxic plants and fruits
Plants are edible, medicinal, can sting, bewitch or kill - sometimes it is just a question of dosage, but it would be better to know how to distinguish the edible from the toxic ones...
Animal watching in the mountains
in autumn, we will search for moufflons, chamois and ibex coming down from the high mountains after the first snowfalls. The mating season begins. We will hike and observe them, to learn more about their behaviour and the dangers they are exposed to.
Tracking wolves
Since wolves came back to France thirty years ago, the discussions pro and contra are endless. You want to know more about the mystic side and the scientific side? Follow me on a hike in calm and accessible mountain areas, looking for traces of wolves and their prey animals, listen to tales and scientific findings.
All year round, daily.
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