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1st day: 3h30 walk / 621 m height gain / starting from the Plan du Lac, Lanchatra and night at the Alpe du Pin hut.

2nd day : 5h walk / 607m height gain,
into the Vallon de la Mariande, followed by Souchey and La Lavey
Night at La Lavey hut.

3rd day: 5h walk / 737m height gain
Lac des Fétoules, Les Rajas, Champhorent, Champébran, Pré Clot.
Night at the Gîte d'Etape Les Arias in a dorm.

4th day: 5h walk / 1070m height gain
Plat de la Selle, St Christophe and museum visit.
Night either in a dorm at the Cordée next door (with access to the hammam) or in a comfortable room at the Relais des Écrins gite.

5th day: 5h walk / 677m height gain
Les Près, Miroir des Fétoules and the Peyssa orientation table, Le Puy and back to Plan du Lac.


From 15/06 to 15/09.

Additional info

  • Payment :Bank/credit cardCheckTravellers ChequeCashCredit transfer
  • Spoken languages :EnglishFrench


Adult: 269 €.

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