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Accommodation, Outdoor activities

Travel and Reconnection with nature; After the Pantanal, dare the Cantal Highlands

In the Cantal highlands, in this 2023 season, Laurence COSTA & Daniel SIEGEL have wished to open wide the doors of Adventure, inviting to rediscover a child’s eye and a sense of wonder.
This is how Solenne MULLER, a naturalist with a sensitive and poetic approach, and Jérémie MAZET, a photographer in love with colours and movement, have included in their schedule a number of events to poetise the season, each month until next September. So many stays, so many opportunities to discover their singular look upon the Lac du Pêcher and the living world this ecosystem hosts. A time apart on an exceptional natural site.


instants_d_Absolu – photo J. MONDIERE (3)

instants d’Absolu Ecolodge & Spa – by Géraldine Poulain (homepage)

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