The International Animation Film Festival has become the world’s largest event dedicated to this film genre (and the second largest film festival in France after Cannes). The event brings together more than 13,000 accredited participants in June in Annecy in a festive and friendly atmosphere.
In 2023, the Festival will start on Sunday 11 June for 7 days dedicated to animated films!
This year, Mexico will be particularly honoured with 9 programmes, each one richer than the last, Mexican juries, and films in the official selection.
Animation, pride and diversity, another theme of this edition, will also be celebrated with four short film programmes offered to festival-goers. As throughout the history of the Festival, pride and diversity will be present in the different sections of the programme, within the WIPs, or among the films in the Official Short Film Selection.
In line with these themes, the Festival will have the pleasure of welcoming great names in animation, including Guillermo del Toro and Jorge R. Gutierrez (director of The Legend of Manolo and creator of the Festival poster), as well as Barry Purves, who will receive a Crystal of Honour.
The 23 feature films in competition were recently revealed by Marcel Jean, a promising and high quality selection for this 2023 edition.
Open-air screenings, exhibitions, dedications by the biggest names in animation… but not only! The Festival proposes a multitude of offers for the general public: event screenings, live France inter broadcast, school screenings… A Festival for everyone and a whole region!
The Annecy Festival is also the biggest international animation film market, with 106 countries represented and nearly 3,000 companies present, to promote animation and the moving image industry internationally.
All the information can be found on this website:
Annecy Festival / E. Nguyen Ngoc