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Tuesday, February 19: "The fox, that fascinating animal!"
Unusual questions, origami and many other anecdotes to know everything
on the fox.
7-12 years / 14h - 17h / 9 €

Wednesday, February 20: "Hedgehogs are so cute!"
He piqued our curiosity! However, he is in danger, do-it-yourself and little stories to get to know him.
4-7 years / 14h - 17h / 9 €

Wednesday, February 20: "My miniature garden, in a glass bubble"
Imagine and create your own small garden, with mosses and wild ferns.
8-13 years / 14h - 17h / 12 €

Thursday, February 21: "These unloved animals"
Spiders, snakes, worms, slugs, vultures. Why are they so disliked? Let's get to know them!
4-7 years / 14h - 17h / 9 €

Friday, February 22nd: "Construction of tit nesting boxes"
Spring is approaching and the birds will start looking for a place to nest. Build your own wooden nest box!
7-12 years / 14h - 17h / 12 €

Monday, February 25: "Crazy experiments on nature"
Explore together the mysteries of nature, for scientific minds from 7 years old.
7-12 years / 14h - 17h / 9 €

Tuesday, February 26: "Introduction to Ornithology"
Ornitho, in short, means becoming a bird pro. Discovery of the species and the profession.
10-14 years / 14h - 17h / 9 €

Wednesday, February 27: "Frog, where are you?"
Many of them live in the marsh, research and observation.
4-7 years / 14h - 17h / 9 €

Wednesday, February 27th: "Role-playing games for nature conservationists!"
In this life-size game, will you become a reserve guard, fisherman, salamander or one of the many other characters?
8-13 years / 14h - 17h / 9 €

Thursday, February 28th: "Wild crafts with vines"
On the program this afternoon, the manufacture of a ivy pencil pot
and clematis!
8-12 years / 14h - 17h / 9 €

Friday, March 1st: "Shelling balls of owls!"
Bird skull or mouse femur? We analyze and determine!
7-12 years / 14h - 17h / 9 €

Registration by phone or email. Plan to have a snack, boots and shoes change. Activities are maintained in case of rain. Bring an insurance certificate with you during the activity.


From 19/02 to 01/03/2019 between 2 PM and 5 PM.
Closed Saturday and Sunday.

Additional info

  • Spoken languages :French


One price: 9 to 12 €.

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