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The dairy cooperative of Yenne has been created in 1962 at the foot of the Dent Du chat. The milk is collected on a daily basis from 50 farmers respectful of their animals and of their environment in the heart of the Chat and the Epine Mountains, and Lac d'Aiguebelette. The flower diversity of the pasture of the Avant-Pays Savoyard (clovers, dandelions...) offers a unique taste to the cheeses. The farmers have livestocks made of local breeds: Tarine, Abondance and Montbéliarde.
A range of organic unpasteurised milk cheeses was launched in 1994.
Nowadays it is made of 3 products: the tomme de Savoie and the tomette de Yenne, "La Dent du Chat" whole Savoie cheese, the IGP Raclette de Savoie.
This range answers people current needs: taste, authenticity, safety, protection of the environment. They are guaranteed without additives, preservatives, colorings and chemicals. The cooperative includes 6 organic agriculture farms that produce 2 200 000 litres of milk per year.
The farmers have been involved in the management of the cooperative since 1962. But this is not just about money, the cooperative offers the farmers to value their production and to sell it in the EU, the USA, Japan and UAE...
Basically it gives them the possibility to shine financially while preserving their environment.


From 01/01 to 04/07
Opening hours on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday between 8.30 am and 12 pm. On Wednesday, Friday and Saturday between 8.30 am and 12 pm and between 3 pm and 6.30 pm.
Closed exceptionally on January 1st, Easter Monday, Feast of the Ascension, Whit Monday, May 1st and May 8th.

From 05/07 to 01/09
Opening hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday between 8.30 am and 12 pm and between 3 pm and 6.30 pm. On Sunday between 8.30 am and 12 pm.
Closed exceptionally on July 14th and August 15th.

From 02/09 to 31/12
Opening hours on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday between 8.30 am and 12 pm. On Wednesday, Friday and Saturday between 8.30 am and 12 pm and between 3 pm and 6.30 pm.
Closed exceptionally on November 1st, November 11th and December 25th.

Additional info

  • Services :Educational visitsTour free of charge
  • Equipments :Exhibition spaceCar parkPrivate parking
  • Spoken languages :French
  • Labels :Organic Farming (AB)


Free of charge.

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