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The collection also contains works on Prehistory, the Bronze Age, and the Iron Age. Approximately a hundred works, edited between the 16th and 19th centuries and consecrated to the history of Lyon, enrich the library, as well as specialized periodicals in history, archaeology, and museology. DVDs and CD-ROMs offer virtual archaeological visits.
The library, integrated into the conservation space, can be used to enrich general knowledge, contribute to a teaching project, or conduct specialized research at a high level.
Services : Consultation of online catalogue, Internet access, bibliographic research assistance, Museum press and exhibit reviews dating from 1998.
Contact :
Dominique Tisserand at +33 4 72 38 81 97


Open from Tuesday to Friday: 10 am-12 am and 2 pm-5:45 pm.


Free of charge


4 €, 2,50 € from 18 to 25 year old and groups,

free every Thursday and for the under 18's.

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